1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,520 Mary Rees: Good afternoon and welcome to Moorpark College 2 00:00:02,520 --> 00:00:06,450 campus update for December 13. We'll give everyone a couple of 3 00:00:06,450 --> 00:00:09,240 minutes to come and join us. We're so glad you're here. 4 00:00:53,820 --> 00:00:55,770 Amanuel: Mary your on mute. We can't hear you. I'm 5 00:00:55,770 --> 00:00:58,950 sorry. You're still on mute. 6 00:01:00,720 --> 00:01:04,080 Mary: Mary: Thank you for joining us at the Moorpark 7 00:01:04,080 --> 00:01:07,800 College campus update for December 13. This will be our 8 00:01:07,800 --> 00:01:11,490 last update for the year. So thank you all for joining us. 9 00:01:12,570 --> 00:01:17,520 Good afternoon, Julius. Or I should probably say today, the 10 00:01:17,550 --> 00:01:20,550 update is being recorded. It will be posted on the 11 00:01:20,550 --> 00:01:24,300 President's webpage. It is all being closed captioned. If 12 00:01:24,300 --> 00:01:26,940 you're interested in seeing it closed captioned, please click 13 00:01:26,940 --> 00:01:31,170 the CC at the bottom of your screen. Today we're going to go 14 00:01:31,170 --> 00:01:34,890 over some of the kind of an update on things, a little bit 15 00:01:34,890 --> 00:01:39,390 of reflection from a most unusual semester. And with a 16 00:01:39,390 --> 00:01:43,140 focus on mental health, spotlight on our professional 17 00:01:43,140 --> 00:01:46,920 development, and then some acknowledgement of some of our 18 00:01:46,920 --> 00:01:49,170 retirees. Good afternoon Julius. 19 00:01:50,930 --> 00:01:53,240 Julius Sokenu: Good afternoon, Mary. I hope everyone can see me 20 00:01:53,240 --> 00:01:56,120 now. Oh, yea. Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for joining 21 00:01:56,120 --> 00:02:01,190 us today. As Mary said, it's been a long semester with a lot 22 00:02:01,190 --> 00:02:04,910 of highs and some lows, but we've made it and I appreciate 23 00:02:04,910 --> 00:02:08,900 you're joining us today. We're going to go directly to an 24 00:02:08,900 --> 00:02:13,550 update on our COVID dashboard. Allison, would you take it away 25 00:02:13,550 --> 00:02:14,000 please? 26 00:02:23,540 --> 00:02:28,130 Allison Barton: Well, I'm trying to oh, there we are. Okay, so as 27 00:02:28,130 --> 00:02:32,300 you can see, we've had a little bit of an uptick in the cases. 28 00:02:33,140 --> 00:02:37,880 We sort of expect that because of people traveling over the 29 00:02:37,880 --> 00:02:44,210 holidays, getting together and family and friend groups. The 30 00:02:44,210 --> 00:02:49,400 three active positive cases that we had are all related to the 31 00:02:49,400 --> 00:02:54,740 exposures and the quarantines here on campus. I do want to 32 00:02:54,740 --> 00:02:58,760 stress here that it's important to check if you have students in 33 00:02:58,760 --> 00:03:02,690 class still, by the end of the semester, and through next 34 00:03:02,690 --> 00:03:06,410 semester to check their wristbands. Some students have 35 00:03:06,410 --> 00:03:10,280 been using the visitor pass to get around testing requirements. 36 00:03:10,280 --> 00:03:14,870 They would have an orange wristband, and they should be 37 00:03:14,870 --> 00:03:19,940 sent back. They shouldn't be on campus if if they're regular 38 00:03:19,940 --> 00:03:26,660 students and aren't testing or been vaccinated. Okay. And then 39 00:03:26,690 --> 00:03:30,830 as you can see, though, we have tons of people vaccinated. We're 40 00:03:31,190 --> 00:03:34,910 well over 6,000. There's even more today than there were when 41 00:03:34,910 --> 00:03:39,950 I put this together. So some really good trends happening and 42 00:03:39,950 --> 00:03:42,650 most people are doing a great job of complying and doing 43 00:03:42,650 --> 00:03:45,260 exactly what they're supposed to be doing to keep each other 44 00:03:45,260 --> 00:03:49,610 safe. And we all appreciate that. So thanks for that. Next 45 00:03:49,610 --> 00:03:54,740 slide, please? I just wanted everybody to see that we're 46 00:03:54,740 --> 00:04:00,740 doing super well with our percent of verified vaccinated 47 00:04:00,740 --> 00:04:06,770 on campus. Last week was actually kind of odd for the 48 00:04:06,770 --> 00:04:12,410 last few weeks. We've had over 90% each day on campus. So and 49 00:04:12,410 --> 00:04:14,990 each day is a little bit different from the one before 50 00:04:14,990 --> 00:04:19,640 it. Different people on but anyway, just good to know that 51 00:04:19,640 --> 00:04:24,320 we are heading into very high vaccination percentage 52 00:04:24,320 --> 00:04:27,560 territory, and I appreciate everybody's efforts to upload, 53 00:04:27,560 --> 00:04:35,090 etc. And I think that's it if there are any question, oh, "How 54 00:04:35,090 --> 00:04:38,750 many of these were exempt?" Right now we have a total of 55 00:04:38,810 --> 00:04:44,750 about 100. We have 70 students with exemptions and 30 employees 56 00:04:44,750 --> 00:04:50,330 with exemptions. So all right, and I think I'll turn it over to 57 00:04:50,330 --> 00:04:52,040 Julius now. Thanks. 58 00:04:54,040 --> 00:04:56,380 Julius: Thank you Allison. I appreciate the work 59 00:04:56,380 --> 00:05:04,000 that you're doing. So as you all know, the Chancellor charged to 60 00:05:04,000 --> 00:05:09,310 me and Laura Barrosot. And we pulled in Dan Watkins and then 61 00:05:09,310 --> 00:05:14,260 we could get together from each of our campuses, colleagues and 62 00:05:14,260 --> 00:05:19,480 faculty and staff and administration to serve on a 63 00:05:19,570 --> 00:05:26,320 VCCCD remote work group to examine and make recommendations 64 00:05:26,350 --> 00:05:31,660 on working remotely. As I think I mentioned previously to you, 65 00:05:32,230 --> 00:05:37,180 we made recommendations already sent to the chancellor. We made 66 00:05:37,180 --> 00:05:41,440 recommendations for the spring semester only. And then 67 00:05:41,440 --> 00:05:46,900 indicated areas for further review and research and for the 68 00:05:46,900 --> 00:05:50,140 spring semester. And then during the spring semester, we will be 69 00:05:50,140 --> 00:05:53,740 going ahead and making recommendations for more long 70 00:05:53,740 --> 00:05:58,030 term future of work at the college district. I want to 71 00:05:58,030 --> 00:06:02,170 thank our representatives from this college, Linda Resendiz, 72 00:06:02,440 --> 00:06:10,450 Monica Garcia, Dan McMichael. Who am I forgetting? Hopefully, 73 00:06:10,450 --> 00:06:12,310 I'm not forgetting anyone. I think we had four people from 74 00:06:12,310 --> 00:06:16,930 the campus. And Jodi Dickey. Jodi, our representing faculty. 75 00:06:17,650 --> 00:06:24,160 And the committee then spent about three weeks, where we 76 00:06:24,160 --> 00:06:27,640 discussed, we looked at research, we identified 77 00:06:27,640 --> 00:06:32,740 questions that are helping us with operations, but also with 78 00:06:32,740 --> 00:06:37,570 policy. And we sent a set of recommendations to the 79 00:06:37,570 --> 00:06:40,840 chancellor on Friday. Recommendations, good 80 00:06:40,870 --> 00:06:44,860 assumptions that we're making, or values that underline our 81 00:06:45,430 --> 00:06:48,760 recommendations. And then we look at the remote work 82 00:06:48,760 --> 00:06:51,640 assignment itself. We look at the professional development 83 00:06:51,640 --> 00:06:57,310 that's necessary to sustain remote work. And then we look at 84 00:06:57,310 --> 00:07:02,800 technology. And then we looked at issue of safety, remote work 85 00:07:02,800 --> 00:07:07,360 safety, and then came up with a list of areas for future 86 00:07:07,360 --> 00:07:11,950 exploration. Chancellor Gillespie has received the 87 00:07:11,950 --> 00:07:16,300 document. We discussed it at Cabinet this morning. He will be 88 00:07:16,300 --> 00:07:21,340 sending an email out to the rest of the district either on 89 00:07:21,340 --> 00:07:26,440 Thursday on Friday this week, with his acknowledgment of our 90 00:07:26,440 --> 00:07:30,310 recommendations and what he is planning to do moving forward. 91 00:07:30,820 --> 00:07:34,930 You will also note that he had sent out an email last week 92 00:07:35,200 --> 00:07:38,650 articulating that for the first few weeks of the semester that 93 00:07:38,650 --> 00:07:43,420 everyone is expected to be back working on campus. And that 94 00:07:43,450 --> 00:07:48,130 remote work will only be done in exceptional cases, with the 95 00:07:48,130 --> 00:07:51,340 authority whether there's approval, the recommendation of 96 00:07:51,340 --> 00:07:55,480 the supervisor, and the approval of the college president. So 97 00:07:55,480 --> 00:07:58,390 that's where we will be to start off the semester. But our 98 00:07:58,390 --> 00:08:02,020 recommendations are a little bit more broad based. And the 99 00:08:02,020 --> 00:08:05,560 Chancellor will be sharing his response to that with the 100 00:08:05,560 --> 00:08:10,630 college district later on this week. Just to let you know, that 101 00:08:10,660 --> 00:08:14,260 our recommendations, tried our very best to make sure that we 102 00:08:14,260 --> 00:08:18,280 are flexible. That we give managers the authority to make 103 00:08:18,280 --> 00:08:22,780 decisions within the campus setting. And that we recognize 104 00:08:22,780 --> 00:08:26,230 that there's too much work needs to be done, so that folks can do 105 00:08:26,230 --> 00:08:31,990 remote work at the most safest ways possible. But also knowing 106 00:08:31,990 --> 00:08:36,250 that this is an ongoing conversation about the nature of 107 00:08:36,250 --> 00:08:41,290 work, and that we need to continue that. So that's where 108 00:08:41,290 --> 00:08:44,770 we are with the remote work committee work group. And those 109 00:08:44,770 --> 00:08:47,830 recommendations have been made to the chancellor. And he will 110 00:08:47,830 --> 00:08:52,630 be sharing with the college district his decision around 111 00:08:52,630 --> 00:08:55,000 those recommendations by Thursday or Friday this week. 112 00:08:55,000 --> 00:08:55,870 I want to thank the folks who worked on our Aspen application. those recommendations by Thursday or Friday this week. 113 00:08:55,870 --> 00:09:02,680 I want to thank the folks who worked on our Aspen application. 114 00:09:03,190 --> 00:09:06,790 And as you all know, we were identified as one of the top 150 115 00:09:06,790 --> 00:09:12,940 colleges eligible for the Aspen Prize. And the same as we were 116 00:09:12,940 --> 00:09:17,350 last year. And this time around we have a group of folks who 117 00:09:17,350 --> 00:09:23,020 worked with K&M which is a company that we hired to write 118 00:09:23,020 --> 00:09:28,420 the application responses. So I want to thank Michael Hoffman 119 00:09:28,420 --> 00:09:31,600 for his leadership on this and his work on this. I want to 120 00:09:31,600 --> 00:09:35,920 thank the vice presidents for their work on this. I want to 121 00:09:35,920 --> 00:09:38,350 thank the Academic Senate and the Classified Senate presidents 122 00:09:38,560 --> 00:09:43,330 for their feedback on this. And I also want to thank our IE 123 00:09:43,330 --> 00:09:47,110 Office, particularly our research folks, for providing 124 00:09:47,110 --> 00:09:50,770 the research that has gone into that application. That 125 00:09:50,770 --> 00:09:54,190 application should be reviewed and we expect to be hearing back 126 00:09:54,190 --> 00:09:58,330 from Aspen if we make it to the next round, which would be the 127 00:09:58,480 --> 00:10:03,730 the top 30 colleges, sometime in the early spring semester. With 128 00:10:03,730 --> 00:10:05,950 that, if we make it to that round, there will be an 129 00:10:05,950 --> 00:10:11,320 application interview that's conducted with the college. And 130 00:10:11,860 --> 00:10:15,580 from there, they will then select the top 10 colleges. And 131 00:10:15,580 --> 00:10:20,740 from there, the finalists. I do want to call attention to the 132 00:10:20,740 --> 00:10:24,820 fact that we are struggling with enrollment. We are as a district 133 00:10:24,820 --> 00:10:31,120 about 20% down. At the college about 11% down in headcount as 134 00:10:31,120 --> 00:10:35,590 well as in units. As you know, we're the largest college in the 135 00:10:35,590 --> 00:10:42,280 district. So we keep working with your outreach to students, 136 00:10:42,490 --> 00:10:44,440 and with your reminder to our students that they should 137 00:10:44,440 --> 00:10:48,160 register for the spring semester. But our enrollment is 138 00:10:48,160 --> 00:10:51,820 down. And as you know, we're held harmless right now. But 139 00:10:51,820 --> 00:10:55,450 whatever our enrollment ends up being this time next year, will 140 00:10:55,450 --> 00:11:01,630 be what we end up funded for in 23-24. So even though we're held 141 00:11:01,630 --> 00:11:06,250 harmless right now, being 11% down as a college, does not 142 00:11:06,250 --> 00:11:09,580 serve us well for our funding for the future. So I appreciate 143 00:11:09,580 --> 00:11:15,010 any work that you can do to get students registered and 144 00:11:15,010 --> 00:11:19,750 enrolled. Any outreach you can do. Kudos to our marketing 145 00:11:19,750 --> 00:11:22,780 folks. And kudos to our outreach folks as they continue to do the 146 00:11:22,780 --> 00:11:26,320 great work of reaching out to the community. But we are all 147 00:11:26,320 --> 00:11:29,860 responsible for enrollment. So thank you. I'm going to move on 148 00:11:29,920 --> 00:11:32,320 and pass it on to our Vice President. 149 00:11:32,350 --> 00:11:34,450 Mary: Julius? We had several questions, if you 150 00:11:34,450 --> 00:11:35,050 wouldn't mind. 151 00:11:35,470 --> 00:11:35,680 Julius: Sure. 152 00:11:37,060 --> 00:11:39,850 Mary: They're asking if you can repeat about remote work, 153 00:11:39,850 --> 00:11:44,950 what the exceptions are to work remotely for spring 2022 for 154 00:11:44,950 --> 00:11:46,750 managers making decisions. 155 00:11:47,410 --> 00:11:49,120 Julius: There have been no exceptions. What you said, 156 00:11:49,150 --> 00:11:50,140 repeat exceptions? 157 00:11:50,140 --> 00:11:53,110 Mary: I'm not sure. I think we need to just redefine and 158 00:11:53,110 --> 00:11:56,350 then the second one asks whether we can assume that they can 159 00:11:56,350 --> 00:11:59,800 continue working remote with the managers approval. 160 00:12:01,330 --> 00:12:04,360 Julius: So what we can assume at this point is that we 161 00:12:04,360 --> 00:12:09,910 have an MOU that expires on Friday with the union. So we 162 00:12:09,910 --> 00:12:13,480 need to update that MOU. Until that is done, we don't have a 163 00:12:13,480 --> 00:12:17,410 formal agreement with SEIU or AFT on how we could move on 164 00:12:17,410 --> 00:12:21,610 forward. What we have is the authority right now for each of 165 00:12:21,610 --> 00:12:25,360 the institutions to work and figure out what schedule best 166 00:12:25,360 --> 00:12:30,640 serves their community, and then put that schedule into place 167 00:12:30,940 --> 00:12:36,610 with of course, authorization on the college president and me 168 00:12:36,610 --> 00:12:39,760 making the college as the Chancellor aware of what that 169 00:12:39,760 --> 00:12:45,070 context is. But there are no prescribed exceptions at this 170 00:12:45,070 --> 00:12:48,970 point in time. We are working with an MOU and we'll continue 171 00:12:48,970 --> 00:12:53,200 to between now and when the next MOU is ready, make decisions 172 00:12:53,200 --> 00:12:54,970 that are best for our college community. 173 00:12:57,210 --> 00:13:00,060 Mary: Thank you. So the assumption that we'll probably 174 00:13:00,060 --> 00:13:03,690 would go with is that people need to be on ground at the 175 00:13:03,690 --> 00:13:08,400 beginning of, until a new MOU is worked out officially. So as of 176 00:13:08,430 --> 00:13:13,110 Friday, people need to be on ground is what I'm hearing. And 177 00:13:14,130 --> 00:13:17,520 unless anything new is worked out with an MOU or unless they 178 00:13:17,520 --> 00:13:22,290 specifically, newly work through and get a new approval from you. 179 00:13:22,830 --> 00:13:23,400 Julius: Yes. 180 00:13:23,750 --> 00:13:25,760 Mary: Okay. Thank you. Hopefully that will clarify. 181 00:13:26,390 --> 00:13:30,380 There was also a question asking about whether the low enrollment 182 00:13:30,380 --> 00:13:33,350 is connected with the mandate. And to save your voice Maybe 183 00:13:33,350 --> 00:13:37,970 I'll just mention that we speak with colleges across the state 184 00:13:37,970 --> 00:13:42,140 and across the nation. The community college population is 185 00:13:42,140 --> 00:13:46,520 a group that has been hit very, very hard. And for multiple 186 00:13:46,520 --> 00:13:51,230 reasons, those students are slower about returning to 187 00:13:51,230 --> 00:13:54,950 college. We have a different pattern than the four years and 188 00:13:54,950 --> 00:14:00,230 our pattern is better or the same as those with and without 189 00:14:00,230 --> 00:14:05,030 mandates throughout the state and the nation. Would that be 190 00:14:05,060 --> 00:14:06,260 consistent Julius? 191 00:14:06,470 --> 00:14:08,540 Julius: Thank you, Mary. I'm struggling with a cold for 192 00:14:08,540 --> 00:14:12,140 some. Sorry, I can barely speak but I appreciate Mary very much. 193 00:14:12,200 --> 00:14:13,760 Very concisely. Yes. Thank you. 194 00:14:14,180 --> 00:14:16,460 Mary: Thank you. Jennifer. I think you're on next? 195 00:14:19,420 --> 00:14:22,600 Jennifer Clark: Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you, Mary. Thank 196 00:14:22,600 --> 00:14:25,870 you, Julius. Just a couple of quick updates from Business 197 00:14:25,870 --> 00:14:29,980 Services. The first has is our next slide, please? The first 198 00:14:29,980 --> 00:14:33,640 has to do with just clarification and a reminder for 199 00:14:33,640 --> 00:14:37,870 everybody and our campus screeners. So we will have the 200 00:14:37,870 --> 00:14:42,910 screeners on campus as normal all the way until next 201 00:14:44,140 --> 00:14:46,840 Wednesday.Thursday and Friday of course are holidays. So the 202 00:14:46,840 --> 00:14:50,560 whole campus will be closed. So again, normal screening 203 00:14:50,650 --> 00:14:55,360 operating hours until through next Wednesday. They will be 204 00:14:55,360 --> 00:15:01,180 closed between Christmas Eve, the observed Christmas Eve and 205 00:15:01,180 --> 00:15:08,080 New Year's Day. So you can see 12/23 to January 2, there will 206 00:15:08,080 --> 00:15:14,170 be no screeners on campus. We do have some students coming in at 207 00:15:14,170 --> 00:15:17,170 the EATM location of course, to feed the animals over the break. 208 00:15:17,200 --> 00:15:19,840 They will be sort of self sustaining. They will be 209 00:15:19,840 --> 00:15:25,360 screening themselves, but no sort of screeners for the sort 210 00:15:25,360 --> 00:15:29,680 of the general campus population. Beginning the 211 00:15:29,680 --> 00:15:36,010 following Monday. So Monday January 3, when classified staff 212 00:15:36,010 --> 00:15:39,670 and administrators are coming back onto campus, if they're not 213 00:15:39,670 --> 00:15:45,370 on vacation, we will resume normal screening hours. Monday 214 00:15:45,370 --> 00:15:49,870 through Friday, the normal times that they have been there this 215 00:15:49,870 --> 00:15:55,120 semester. As far as the testing is concerned over the break, we 216 00:15:55,120 --> 00:16:00,850 do have COVID clinics that will continue to be on campus in lots 217 00:16:00,850 --> 00:16:06,790 D and E. They will be open Monday through Friday as normal. 218 00:16:07,570 --> 00:16:11,680 They are open currently Monday through Friday 9:00 to 5:00. 219 00:16:11,920 --> 00:16:15,700 They will continue to be open Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 220 00:16:15,700 --> 00:16:20,350 5:00. They do have special holiday hours. However, there 221 00:16:20,350 --> 00:16:24,220 are special holiday hours on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, 222 00:16:24,490 --> 00:16:28,600 New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. They are open, but the 223 00:16:29,200 --> 00:16:32,230 length of time is a little bit shorter. So if you want 224 00:16:32,230 --> 00:16:37,510 specifics on which holiday they're open, which hours, the 225 00:16:37,540 --> 00:16:40,900 link is right there, and Michael just posted the link in the 226 00:16:40,900 --> 00:16:43,780 chat. If you want to have a quick look, it's actually at the 227 00:16:43,780 --> 00:16:49,060 bottom of that webpage there holiday hours. Lab link will 228 00:16:49,060 --> 00:16:54,430 continue to be in the parking structure for the days that 229 00:16:54,430 --> 00:16:59,110 they're on campus during the break. And as well into the 230 00:16:59,110 --> 00:17:01,480 spring semester, they'll continue to be in the parking 231 00:17:01,480 --> 00:17:06,550 structure again. They will continue to be on campus every 232 00:17:06,550 --> 00:17:12,160 day through this week, as normal. Next week, so beginning 233 00:17:12,190 --> 00:17:17,860 next week, the week of December 20, we will be shortening the 234 00:17:17,890 --> 00:17:21,310 days, right, because now we're getting into the holidays. So 235 00:17:21,310 --> 00:17:26,110 next week, Monday and Wednesday, they will be on campus. Again, 236 00:17:26,110 --> 00:17:28,450 Thursday and Friday are holidays. They will not be on 237 00:17:28,450 --> 00:17:31,780 campus Tuesday. So Monday, Wednesday 9:00 to 4:00. The 238 00:17:31,780 --> 00:17:35,890 following week, same. Monday, Wednesday, 9:00 to 4:00. 239 00:17:35,920 --> 00:17:40,000 Thursday and Friday are also holidays. Beginning the week of 240 00:17:40,000 --> 00:17:43,690 January 3, the following week, they'll be here Monday through 241 00:17:43,690 --> 00:17:49,480 Friday. Their hours though, will be shorter than they are now. 242 00:17:49,870 --> 00:17:57,070 Hours starting next fiscal year, January 3 will be 10:00 t0 2:00. 243 00:17:57,400 --> 00:18:00,580 We will be having far fewer people being tested on a regular 244 00:18:00,580 --> 00:18:04,300 basis. So they'll still be here every day, but just shorter time 245 00:18:04,300 --> 00:18:11,890 period. Next slide please? And this is just a reminder, we do 246 00:18:11,890 --> 00:18:16,300 still have the federal stimulus program from HEERF monies, the 247 00:18:16,300 --> 00:18:22,960 $1,000 in the spring semester. This, like the fall semester 248 00:18:22,960 --> 00:18:27,430 will be for students, six or more units. We did have some 249 00:18:27,430 --> 00:18:33,100 very interesting data come forward that about 30% of our 250 00:18:33,100 --> 00:18:37,150 current students, our enrolled students have fewer than six 251 00:18:37,150 --> 00:18:41,050 units. So 30%. That's almost a third of our students are 252 00:18:41,050 --> 00:18:46,660 carrying less than six units. So we have some big campaign going 253 00:18:46,660 --> 00:18:50,230 on right now to try to reach out to those students that have less 254 00:18:50,230 --> 00:18:54,040 than six units to encourage them to take an extra class or take 255 00:18:54,040 --> 00:18:58,030 an extra few units so that they qualify. And the second bullet 256 00:18:58,030 --> 00:19:00,310 there just reminds everybody that 257 00:19:01,740 --> 00:19:06,210 the students do not have to have a completed FAFSA or CADA on 258 00:19:06,210 --> 00:19:09,870 file. However, priority is given to those students with 259 00:19:09,870 --> 00:19:13,590 demonstrated need. So those that have filled out the FAFSA, CADA 260 00:19:13,590 --> 00:19:17,310 have demonstrated need will get the funds first. And funds of 261 00:19:17,310 --> 00:19:22,350 course will continue to be available until they run out. So 262 00:19:22,950 --> 00:19:25,770 that is it from the Business Services Department, unless 263 00:19:25,770 --> 00:19:27,660 there are questions. 264 00:19:27,690 --> 00:19:30,660 Mary: Jennifer, just a clarification, if a student got 265 00:19:31,110 --> 00:19:34,920 the $1,000 In the fall, are they eligible for spring? 266 00:19:35,050 --> 00:19:39,400 Jennifer: Absolutely, yes. Great question. Any other 267 00:19:39,400 --> 00:19:47,860 questions? Is that it? Is there a question about exemptions next 268 00:19:47,860 --> 00:19:54,760 semester? What is considered an exemption next semester? 269 00:19:55,030 --> 00:19:57,430 Kristen? I'm looking at Kristen's question, do you think 270 00:19:57,430 --> 00:20:00,820 there'll be committed permitted to do the twice weekly testing 271 00:20:00,850 --> 00:20:08,260 in lieu of? Okay, so I will repeat what I'm sure Allison has 272 00:20:08,260 --> 00:20:13,840 covered many times. That is that starting next semester, so 273 00:20:13,840 --> 00:20:19,270 starting in January, students and employees as well, for that 274 00:20:19,270 --> 00:20:25,870 matter, must have an approved exemption to be on campus. 275 00:20:26,080 --> 00:20:30,670 Whether it's a medical exemption or a religious exemption. If 276 00:20:30,670 --> 00:20:35,620 they do not have an exemption, and they are not verified 277 00:20:35,620 --> 00:20:39,970 vaccinated, they are not permitted to be on campus. So 278 00:20:41,440 --> 00:20:45,850 that will be doing serial testing in January will be those 279 00:20:45,850 --> 00:20:49,480 folks that have approved exemptions on file. 280 00:20:49,560 --> 00:20:52,270 I hope that clarifies. Thank you. 281 00:20:52,270 --> 00:20:52,830 Mary: Thank you, Jennifer. Thank you, Jennifer. Just a few I hope that clarifies. Thank you. 282 00:20:52,830 --> 00:21:11,110 Mary: Thank you, Jennifer. Thank you, Jennifer. Just a few 283 00:21:11,110 --> 00:21:18,310 updates. On the next slide. One, it's just congratulations to 284 00:21:18,310 --> 00:21:22,330 everyone. It has been a most unusual year, a most unusual 285 00:21:22,330 --> 00:21:26,260 semester. And we have made it through the semester. Our 286 00:21:26,260 --> 00:21:30,130 students, you see them around campus. I see the activities 287 00:21:30,130 --> 00:21:33,730 going on. And we're almost finished with final week this 288 00:21:33,730 --> 00:21:37,210 week, we'll finish that up. Congratulations and thank you to 289 00:21:37,210 --> 00:21:40,330 everyone for all of their work, helping the students get 290 00:21:41,380 --> 00:21:44,800 successfully through the semester. So just a huge and I 291 00:21:44,800 --> 00:21:48,670 know everyone is anxious for the holidays. But, you know, a well 292 00:21:48,670 --> 00:21:52,510 deserved vacation, a break because of all of the really 293 00:21:52,510 --> 00:21:56,290 working trying to help support the students. We have a great 294 00:21:56,290 --> 00:22:00,460 picture here of the study hall competitions. So the athletic 295 00:22:00,460 --> 00:22:07,150 teams, in working with the TLC and Counseling, set up a 296 00:22:07,150 --> 00:22:11,860 competition for which group could use the study hall or use 297 00:22:11,860 --> 00:22:16,000 the tutoring center the most, It was down to the wire between 298 00:22:16,000 --> 00:22:19,030 men's volleyball and baseball and they both got to be 299 00:22:19,030 --> 00:22:23,830 celebrated at the last November end of November basketball game. 300 00:22:24,310 --> 00:22:27,880 I am happy to announce that the men's volleyball team were the 301 00:22:27,880 --> 00:22:31,300 big winners. And this is truly the winners and hopefully they 302 00:22:31,300 --> 00:22:36,550 really reinforced the value of the tutoring center, the 303 00:22:36,580 --> 00:22:40,570 studying, studying in groups, all of those best practices that 304 00:22:40,570 --> 00:22:44,440 will truly carry them through. So a big thank you to everybody 305 00:22:44,440 --> 00:22:47,650 involved in that. It was a fun and hopefully a very worthwhile 306 00:22:47,650 --> 00:22:52,390 project. So thank you all. Another project, it's grades, 307 00:22:52,390 --> 00:22:55,420 right? Everyone is very busy with grades this time of year. 308 00:22:55,930 --> 00:23:01,090 Setting for doing the grading, submitting. Just a huge reminder 309 00:23:01,090 --> 00:23:04,630 of how important it is to get the grades submitted on time. 310 00:23:05,800 --> 00:23:10,030 The grades need to be within what, 48 hours after the test? 311 00:23:10,030 --> 00:23:14,650 If we even be more lenient on that, if we go with after all of 312 00:23:14,650 --> 00:23:20,920 the tests, they have to be in by December 20. Students are 313 00:23:20,920 --> 00:23:25,870 waiting on pre-reqs clearance, on getting into their transfer 314 00:23:25,870 --> 00:23:29,860 school, they've got financial considerations, financial aid 315 00:23:29,860 --> 00:23:33,460 that are all tied to those grades. So it is a busy time. 316 00:23:33,460 --> 00:23:37,000 But it is really critical that the grades get turned in. If 317 00:23:37,000 --> 00:23:41,320 someone is having trouble, reach out to your dean. So that we can 318 00:23:41,320 --> 00:23:46,420 hopefully either provide some help or can alert anybody that's 319 00:23:46,420 --> 00:23:50,740 going to be negatively impacted, because it's really important 320 00:23:50,740 --> 00:23:54,130 for the students. Another thing other than grades that needs to 321 00:23:54,130 --> 00:23:59,710 be turned in this time of year, December 17, your SLOs each of 322 00:23:59,710 --> 00:24:03,010 the classes needs to be submitted. We need all of the 323 00:24:03,010 --> 00:24:07,240 SLOs submitted this year. And then again, next year for our 324 00:24:07,240 --> 00:24:09,430 accreditation documents. It's something that we're going to be 325 00:24:09,430 --> 00:24:12,310 doing every year, but it's critical for this year and next 326 00:24:12,310 --> 00:24:16,210 year, as part of our accreditation. So we really are 327 00:24:16,210 --> 00:24:19,840 relying on everyone to get the grades in, get their SLOs in, 328 00:24:19,870 --> 00:24:25,060 and a huge thank you for wonderful semester. We have lots 329 00:24:25,060 --> 00:24:31,450 of new technology things coming our way. Over the break or the 330 00:24:31,450 --> 00:24:34,810 beginning in January, anyway, we'll be moving away from Skype 331 00:24:34,840 --> 00:24:40,270 onto Teams. There are some really good resources. Michael 332 00:24:40,270 --> 00:24:42,730 Ashton has helped, in fact, there's one there in the chat 333 00:24:42,730 --> 00:24:47,410 now to help little videos, workshops to try to help us get 334 00:24:47,410 --> 00:24:50,950 more comfortable with Teams. So it's not a big surprise to us 335 00:24:50,950 --> 00:24:55,120 when we come in and we've got new phones and new systems 336 00:24:55,450 --> 00:24:59,200 rather than using Skype. So we're going to be all on the 337 00:24:59,200 --> 00:25:06,010 same Teams, for next semester. So please look into that. We're 338 00:25:06,010 --> 00:25:09,070 also going to be having a new portal either over break or 339 00:25:09,490 --> 00:25:13,090 beginning of January. So when you log into the computer, it 340 00:25:13,090 --> 00:25:15,460 might look a little bit different. Everyone says it's 341 00:25:15,460 --> 00:25:20,500 going to be much smoother and just obvious what's going on. So 342 00:25:21,190 --> 00:25:23,080 please, you know, just 343 00:25:24,500 --> 00:25:26,930 bear with it, if it looks a little bit different, takes us a 344 00:25:26,930 --> 00:25:32,330 little bit longer to get used to the portal. It's being updated 345 00:25:32,330 --> 00:25:36,110 much more, it'll be much better, much more user friendly, and all 346 00:25:36,110 --> 00:25:39,410 that. So we're looking forward to that. We also are working 347 00:25:39,410 --> 00:25:42,440 towards getting a new scheduler which will be coming out 348 00:25:42,710 --> 00:25:46,430 probably early semester, which will make it much easier for the 349 00:25:46,430 --> 00:25:50,420 students for scheduling for classes in the future. Rather 350 00:25:50,420 --> 00:25:54,680 than just kind of going through and writing down one class that 351 00:25:54,680 --> 00:25:58,430 they're going to take or looking for a particular instructor, 352 00:25:58,610 --> 00:26:00,890 they're going to be able to basically like shopping on 353 00:26:00,890 --> 00:26:04,460 Amazon. "I want an English, I want an accounting, I want 354 00:26:04,460 --> 00:26:07,850 this," and move them into their cards. And then they can click 355 00:26:07,850 --> 00:26:11,960 and they can go ahead and register right from their 356 00:26:11,990 --> 00:26:16,130 shopping basket. It'll really help the students because you 357 00:26:16,130 --> 00:26:21,710 can put down what timeframe you want the class to be in. It will 358 00:26:21,710 --> 00:26:25,190 look for classes that fit within your schedule versus having to 359 00:26:25,190 --> 00:26:29,720 just do it on your own. And so, hopefully will make it much 360 00:26:29,720 --> 00:26:33,350 easier for students to take additional classes and to really 361 00:26:33,350 --> 00:26:37,070 work out a schedule that will work for them. We're also going 362 00:26:37,070 --> 00:26:39,500 to be having some new software by the end of the semester, 363 00:26:39,500 --> 00:26:44,840 which will help us with looking at auto grads, helping the 364 00:26:44,840 --> 00:26:47,210 students go through and if they've completed all the 365 00:26:47,210 --> 00:26:50,930 classes that they need for graduation, how closely are two 366 00:26:50,930 --> 00:26:54,410 different certificates or degrees. And we'll hopefully be 367 00:26:54,410 --> 00:26:58,940 doing some additional work on getting transcripts into our 368 00:26:58,940 --> 00:27:02,360 systems. So we've got a lot of new technology things coming our 369 00:27:02,360 --> 00:27:06,200 way. So I think it will be really exciting. Hopefully 370 00:27:06,200 --> 00:27:10,940 better for the students, faculty and staff as well. So will be 371 00:27:10,940 --> 00:27:15,470 interesting times, right? Thank you so much. On the next slide? 372 00:27:27,020 --> 00:27:28,850 Okay, there were some questions. 373 00:27:35,380 --> 00:27:39,070 Let me go through these. And we'll let you, Amanuel, then 374 00:27:39,070 --> 00:27:43,630 we'll come back to questions. Oh, this is mine. Dear. Let me 375 00:27:43,630 --> 00:27:47,980 go through that. I did want to just update everyone. Just as a 376 00:27:47,980 --> 00:27:52,450 reminder for students, I'm going to send this email out, but this 377 00:27:52,450 --> 00:27:57,190 was put together from Allison. Thank you. Just to remind our 378 00:27:57,190 --> 00:28:00,580 students for spring, as you prepare for the upcoming 379 00:28:00,580 --> 00:28:05,320 semester, please be aware that VCCCD has mandated vaccinations 380 00:28:05,320 --> 00:28:09,250 on all campuses. This means you will need to be fully vaccinated 381 00:28:09,550 --> 00:28:12,910 in order to come on campus and you will need to upload proof of 382 00:28:12,910 --> 00:28:17,530 vaccination in the My VCCCD app. This app can be found on the App 383 00:28:17,530 --> 00:28:21,010 Store. If you have vaccine exemptions, you will need to 384 00:28:21,010 --> 00:28:26,890 take two PCR COVID-19 tests each week and upload them to the My 385 00:28:26,890 --> 00:28:31,240 VCCCD app. The upload will need to be done by noon on Sunday in 386 00:28:31,240 --> 00:28:35,350 order to come on campus, the following week. No exceptions. 387 00:28:36,430 --> 00:28:39,700 We need to make sure that this information is out to our 388 00:28:39,700 --> 00:28:43,600 students. The ones that have been here as well as new ones 389 00:28:43,600 --> 00:28:48,340 coming in for the spring. I think we saw from an email or 390 00:28:48,340 --> 00:28:53,950 question in the Q&A from Kristen that students are not clear that 391 00:28:53,950 --> 00:28:59,560 they need to be vaccinated or have an exemption in order for 392 00:28:59,560 --> 00:29:03,670 spring. So the best way to get information out to the students, 393 00:29:03,670 --> 00:29:07,540 we're going to be trying social media, emails, but one of the 394 00:29:07,540 --> 00:29:12,880 best ways is for faculty to send emails out to their students 395 00:29:12,880 --> 00:29:15,760 before the semester starts. You've got the list of students 396 00:29:15,760 --> 00:29:20,260 on your rosters. And before the semester starts, if you send 397 00:29:20,260 --> 00:29:24,160 them this or some kind of an email that just reminds the 398 00:29:24,160 --> 00:29:27,550 students, so that they can have a smooth transition to coming 399 00:29:27,550 --> 00:29:31,960 onto campus in the spring. So I think that will be really 400 00:29:31,960 --> 00:29:34,600 helpful. We're going to do our part trying to reach out to the 401 00:29:34,600 --> 00:29:38,830 students, but I'll send this out to the faculty. So if you choose 402 00:29:38,830 --> 00:29:41,950 to use something like this, it'll make it easier for you to 403 00:29:41,950 --> 00:29:46,270 reach out to them before the semester starts. Thank you. 404 00:29:51,940 --> 00:29:55,060 Amanuel and then we'll come back to the questions. 405 00:29:55,690 --> 00:29:59,560 Amanuel: Thank you, Mary. Good afternoon, everyone. Just a 406 00:29:59,560 --> 00:30:03,820 few reminders to reiterate what Mary mentioned. I want to 407 00:30:03,820 --> 00:30:06,580 emphasize, we're having Registration Rocks to help with 408 00:30:06,580 --> 00:30:10,570 our enrollment efforts starting on Tuesday, December 14 at 409 00:30:10,570 --> 00:30:14,920 9:00am. And then again, on Wednesday, December 15 at 410 00:30:14,920 --> 00:30:19,150 4:00pm. We'll put the links in the chat so you can have access 411 00:30:19,150 --> 00:30:22,240 to them. But also, to let all of our students know we're really 412 00:30:22,240 --> 00:30:25,210 trying to encourage as many students to take advantage of 413 00:30:25,210 --> 00:30:28,780 the support that our counseling support services are providing 414 00:30:29,170 --> 00:30:34,450 for our campus community. Also, in addition to that, Raider 415 00:30:34,450 --> 00:30:37,180 Central has been focal and really supporting our community 416 00:30:37,180 --> 00:30:40,990 and our students with food. Raider Central will be closed 417 00:30:40,990 --> 00:30:46,570 from Friday, December 17 till Monday, January 10. They will 418 00:30:46,570 --> 00:30:50,140 resume services on Tuesday, January 11. We'll put that 419 00:30:50,140 --> 00:30:53,500 information on there also. But in addition to that, Ruben 420 00:30:53,500 --> 00:30:57,340 Castro Charities will be open for a grab and go groceries on 421 00:30:57,340 --> 00:31:02,380 the following Tuesdays on campus in lot E. And those dates are 422 00:31:02,380 --> 00:31:09,160 December 21, from 2:00pm to 5:00pm, December 28, from 2:00pm 423 00:31:09,160 --> 00:31:12,520 to 5:00pm, and then also January 4, from 2:00 to 5:00. So we'll 424 00:31:12,520 --> 00:31:16,030 still have food grab and go opportunities for our students 425 00:31:16,030 --> 00:31:20,080 as well. And just another reminder, a friendly reminder 426 00:31:20,080 --> 00:31:26,140 about final grades for fall 2021, as Mary emphasized, would 427 00:31:26,230 --> 00:31:30,010 encourage you all to please post your grades by December 20. Just 428 00:31:30,010 --> 00:31:32,770 a reminder from our Admissions and Records folks, we want to 429 00:31:32,770 --> 00:31:37,000 get the grades submitted for our students that need them. And 430 00:31:37,000 --> 00:31:39,760 then before I go to the next slide, I just want to say a huge 431 00:31:39,760 --> 00:31:44,410 thank you to all our faculty, staff, and administrators for 432 00:31:44,410 --> 00:31:47,350 everything that you do this semester. It's been a heck of a 433 00:31:47,350 --> 00:31:50,830 year and we appreciate you in every way. And a big thank you 434 00:31:50,830 --> 00:31:53,770 to our student support team for being on the front line and 435 00:31:53,770 --> 00:31:56,950 really supporting our students through the registration, 436 00:31:56,950 --> 00:31:59,710 counseling, and all the support services. Thank you. And kudos 437 00:31:59,710 --> 00:32:03,010 to all of you. And hope you have a happy holidays in the next 438 00:32:03,010 --> 00:32:06,100 couple of weeks. And now in terms of professional 439 00:32:06,100 --> 00:32:10,720 development, we have some activities planned for that 440 00:32:10,720 --> 00:32:14,230 week. So I will pass it on to Brian Burns, who will do a 441 00:32:14,230 --> 00:32:17,830 highlight of our professional development activities. Oh, I'm 442 00:32:17,830 --> 00:32:20,350 sorry. Is it Allison first? 443 00:32:21,790 --> 00:32:22,570 Before? 444 00:32:22,930 --> 00:32:24,040 Yes, sorry Allison. 445 00:32:24,340 --> 00:32:25,210 Allison: That's okay. 446 00:32:27,820 --> 00:32:32,920 I get to introduce Brian later. Alrighty. So next slide, please? 447 00:32:35,500 --> 00:32:41,080 So always over the break, especially since the Student 448 00:32:41,080 --> 00:32:43,930 Health Center is closed the whole time, we just want to make 449 00:32:43,930 --> 00:32:48,430 sure that everybody understands particularly, the mental health 450 00:32:48,430 --> 00:32:52,810 resources that are available to everyone, not just students or 451 00:32:52,810 --> 00:32:57,550 staff. So Ventura County Behavioral Health is a great 452 00:32:57,550 --> 00:33:02,530 place to call or visit their website. Substance Abuse 453 00:33:02,530 --> 00:33:07,180 Treatment number is great. They have a lot of really good levels 454 00:33:07,240 --> 00:33:12,700 of support for community members. Excuse me, as well as 455 00:33:12,700 --> 00:33:16,570 the Ventura County Mental Health Crisis team. Again, anybody 456 00:33:16,930 --> 00:33:20,860 living in Ventura County can utilize these services, not just 457 00:33:20,890 --> 00:33:27,130 people on our campuses. The Crisis text line is great. It's 458 00:33:27,130 --> 00:33:31,870 really nice, because it's staffed with trained volunteers 459 00:33:31,870 --> 00:33:36,820 24/7. And it's really nice, because a lot of times people 460 00:33:36,880 --> 00:33:40,900 don't have mental health concerns or worries or 461 00:33:40,900 --> 00:33:43,780 anxieties. You know, during business hours, they have them 462 00:33:43,780 --> 00:33:47,800 at 3:00 am. And so they can just text, whatever concerns they 463 00:33:47,800 --> 00:33:50,830 have at that time. The other thing is it's quiet. So you 464 00:33:50,830 --> 00:33:53,470 don't have to get on the phone and talk to somebody and disturb 465 00:33:53,470 --> 00:33:56,080 other people or let other people know that you're calling. So 466 00:33:56,080 --> 00:33:59,560 that's a really good one. And of course, the National Suicide 467 00:33:59,920 --> 00:34:05,500 Hotline. That number is right there. They have a special sub 468 00:34:05,500 --> 00:34:14,410 line for veterans, and that's good to know too. Additionally, 469 00:34:14,440 --> 00:34:19,690 there are just some really great kind of preventive mental health 470 00:34:19,690 --> 00:34:25,630 practices that one can take advantage of. One of those is 471 00:34:25,630 --> 00:34:28,810 mindfulness training. And what I thought we would do right now is 472 00:34:28,810 --> 00:34:32,650 just do a little one minute mindfulness training practice 473 00:34:32,650 --> 00:34:35,680 just so that everybody can kind of get an idea of really how 474 00:34:35,680 --> 00:34:39,640 simple it is. And then you could go to our Student Health Center 475 00:34:39,640 --> 00:34:44,020 website, and you could look at all the different wonderful 476 00:34:44,050 --> 00:34:49,570 practices that we have there. We have a whole eight lesson kind 477 00:34:49,570 --> 00:34:52,900 of curriculum that you could use yourself or you could share with 478 00:34:52,960 --> 00:34:57,850 your classes. We have several professors that actually make 479 00:34:57,850 --> 00:35:00,730 that an assignment for students. And I think that's a great idea. 480 00:35:00,730 --> 00:35:05,110 There are even worksheets for each lesson. So just so you 481 00:35:05,110 --> 00:35:11,050 know, that's there. Also mindful movement. And, you know, little 482 00:35:11,170 --> 00:35:14,080 movement bites that are in there. So there are just lots 483 00:35:14,080 --> 00:35:17,620 and lots of different resources available for you or your loved 484 00:35:17,620 --> 00:35:22,390 ones or your students. Alright, so our one minute mindfulness is 485 00:35:22,390 --> 00:35:26,140 going to be the STOP technique. And we use this a lot for test 486 00:35:26,140 --> 00:35:31,390 anxiety, but it's good for any kind of anxiety. So if you 487 00:35:31,390 --> 00:35:35,200 could, want you to sit up as nice and tall as you can in your 488 00:35:35,200 --> 00:35:38,980 chair, or if you're standing, stand so that the weight is kind 489 00:35:38,980 --> 00:35:43,540 of on all four corners of both feet at once. So no kind of 490 00:35:43,570 --> 00:35:48,460 rocking back and forth. And then roll your shoulders back. So 491 00:35:48,460 --> 00:35:52,930 STOP means, it's an acronym, meaning stop, take a breath, 492 00:35:52,960 --> 00:35:55,900 observe how you feel and proceed, right? So the first 493 00:35:55,900 --> 00:35:58,060 thing is to stop what you're doing. So if you're checking 494 00:35:58,060 --> 00:36:02,530 your email or whatever, just stop doing that. And then take a 495 00:36:02,530 --> 00:36:05,980 slow breath. And if you can breathe through your nose, right 496 00:36:05,980 --> 00:36:09,520 now, you're not a stuffy nose person, you can breathe slowly 497 00:36:09,520 --> 00:36:13,300 in and out through your nose. If your nose is stuffy, purse your 498 00:36:13,300 --> 00:36:15,610 lips and breathe in and out through your lips, and you want 499 00:36:15,610 --> 00:36:20,350 to count slowly to five in and out. So let's do that together. 500 00:36:25,180 --> 00:36:26,320 And exhale 501 00:36:30,920 --> 00:36:35,600 Kinda check out how your body feels right now. And it's good 502 00:36:35,600 --> 00:36:40,970 to do this periodically during your day, from day to day, 503 00:36:40,970 --> 00:36:44,030 because that'll help you recognize what feeling good 504 00:36:44,030 --> 00:36:48,590 feels like. And also what not feeling good feels like. And 505 00:36:48,590 --> 00:36:51,770 doing this practice and then proceeding back to whatever it 506 00:36:51,770 --> 00:36:54,860 was you were doing. Unless you were checking email, then stop 507 00:36:54,860 --> 00:36:59,570 that right now. You want to go ahead and really get kind of 508 00:36:59,570 --> 00:37:02,900 used to what that feels like in paying attention to your body. A 509 00:37:02,900 --> 00:37:05,810 lot of times, we're super stressed out, it's really easy 510 00:37:05,810 --> 00:37:09,770 to forget about checking in with yourself. So just so you know, 511 00:37:09,800 --> 00:37:15,200 that is on our website, and lots of other awesome techniques. And 512 00:37:15,200 --> 00:37:18,290 I hope you give them a try. All right, and I'm going to pass it 513 00:37:18,290 --> 00:37:19,130 on to Brian. 514 00:37:24,640 --> 00:37:28,060 Brian Burns: Thank you very much, Allison. So welcome, 515 00:37:28,060 --> 00:37:30,520 everyone. Thank you for joining. So I will try to keep this 516 00:37:30,520 --> 00:37:34,150 concise because then we have other things going on. In just a 517 00:37:34,150 --> 00:37:37,030 moment, I'm going to preview our professional development 518 00:37:37,030 --> 00:37:42,010 activities that we have planned for January 6 and 7. Either 519 00:37:42,010 --> 00:37:44,860 later today or tomorrow, I will send out the more descriptive 520 00:37:44,860 --> 00:37:48,160 booklet. And that will give you more detailed information about 521 00:37:48,160 --> 00:37:52,510 the session, including Zoom links as applicable and, you 522 00:37:52,510 --> 00:37:57,160 know, facilitator information, and all of that. So if we can 523 00:37:57,160 --> 00:38:04,570 have the next slide, please? So here you see, well obviously you 524 00:38:04,570 --> 00:38:07,270 can't click on this one, but in the chat and moment, we'll put 525 00:38:08,050 --> 00:38:11,590 this link right here. Here's the link to RSVP for the meals. So 526 00:38:11,590 --> 00:38:14,470 as usual, we will have breakfast and lunch on each of those days. 527 00:38:14,470 --> 00:38:18,040 So if you could take a moment to fill out the information there. 528 00:38:18,040 --> 00:38:20,620 It's very helpful for us just in terms of knowing how much food 529 00:38:20,620 --> 00:38:24,100 to order and that sort of thing. And if we could have the next 530 00:38:24,100 --> 00:38:28,000 slide, please? So here's our first day on January 6. 531 00:38:29,830 --> 00:38:34,150 Obviously, we have quite a lot going on. What you'll notice is 532 00:38:34,150 --> 00:38:39,130 that there are three different delivery modes. The majority of 533 00:38:39,160 --> 00:38:43,270 material will be in HyFlex format. There are a couple of 534 00:38:44,290 --> 00:38:50,920 sessions that will be entirely online and a few that will be in 535 00:38:50,920 --> 00:38:54,910 person, mainly because the nature of those particular 536 00:38:55,630 --> 00:38:59,740 formats mean that it would make sense to have that one in 537 00:38:59,740 --> 00:39:02,650 person. It wouldn't really work to do it in an online 538 00:39:02,650 --> 00:39:06,550 environment. So that's why there are a few that will be 100% in 539 00:39:06,550 --> 00:39:09,970 person. Otherwise all the sessions will be in HyFlex. And 540 00:39:09,970 --> 00:39:13,210 then a few online and those are all noted here. And again, this 541 00:39:13,210 --> 00:39:17,890 information will be sent out. You know, I'll post it to our PD 542 00:39:17,890 --> 00:39:21,340 website. I will send out the link either later today or early 543 00:39:21,340 --> 00:39:27,010 tomorrow, once I get all of the blurbs put together. So you can 544 00:39:27,010 --> 00:39:31,900 take a look at we have going on. We have our first session about 545 00:39:31,930 --> 00:39:39,640 the spring curriculum audit. So inviting more faculty and staff 546 00:39:39,910 --> 00:39:42,130 to come in and have conversations about curriculum 547 00:39:42,130 --> 00:39:45,850 and curriculum planning. This is multi-disciplined, 548 00:39:45,850 --> 00:39:49,210 interdisciplinary, cross campus conversations about our 549 00:39:49,210 --> 00:39:51,280 curriculum and thinking about our curriculum, especially 550 00:39:51,280 --> 00:39:53,740 through an equity lens and how are we best serving our 551 00:39:53,740 --> 00:39:57,280 students. Then we'll have sessions on intersectionality, 552 00:39:57,280 --> 00:40:00,760 thinking about identities, identities of our students, of 553 00:40:00,760 --> 00:40:04,420 our faculty, of our staff. How do we build connections, 554 00:40:04,420 --> 00:40:08,830 community, in thinking of multiple ways of understanding 555 00:40:08,920 --> 00:40:12,790 what makes us who we are. Then we'll also concurrently have a 556 00:40:12,790 --> 00:40:14,860 session with Chrome River training. If you don't know of 557 00:40:14,860 --> 00:40:18,760 Chrome River, it's a new program for inputting a lot of 558 00:40:18,760 --> 00:40:23,200 accounting information. This is for faculty, staff, I think 559 00:40:23,200 --> 00:40:26,260 everybody could benefit from this one. Anybody who's worked 560 00:40:26,260 --> 00:40:28,060 the Chrome River right now understands there is a bit of a 561 00:40:28,060 --> 00:40:29,950 learning curve. So it's something to look forward to. 562 00:40:29,980 --> 00:40:33,700 We'll have folks in the district running this one. And then 563 00:40:33,730 --> 00:40:36,820 lunch. Then this will be cool. We'll have a presentation 564 00:40:37,780 --> 00:40:43,870 primarily from the students in this club, Delta Alpha Pi club. 565 00:40:44,140 --> 00:40:45,910 This is a club for high functioning students with 566 00:40:45,910 --> 00:40:49,180 disabilities. And they'll be talking about some of their 567 00:40:49,180 --> 00:40:53,200 experiences navigating through college, and especially, working 568 00:40:53,200 --> 00:40:57,070 with accommodations and how has that been beneficial to them, 569 00:40:57,070 --> 00:40:59,770 what are some challenges, what are some learning opportunities 570 00:40:59,770 --> 00:41:02,530 for us as faculty and staff, hearing from the student's 571 00:41:02,530 --> 00:41:07,570 perspective. And then we'll have a presentation also about our 572 00:41:07,630 --> 00:41:13,120 Zero Textbook Cost program. And this will be fun too. We were 573 00:41:13,120 --> 00:41:16,420 thinking about having a session, this we got in person, this one 574 00:41:16,480 --> 00:41:19,510 about crafting. We'll have a room set aside. And it's a 575 00:41:19,510 --> 00:41:23,530 project just kind of as a mindfulness activity. It'll 576 00:41:24,130 --> 00:41:27,550 mostly, you know, some hands on stuff, some sewing or some 577 00:41:27,550 --> 00:41:31,180 knitting. Some other activities just to get us thinking about 578 00:41:31,180 --> 00:41:35,110 things from a hands on kind of point of view. And then finally, 579 00:41:35,110 --> 00:41:38,770 a session on grading for equity from folks involved in our CHESS 580 00:41:38,770 --> 00:41:43,030 program. And then a HyFlex training, that'll be 100% in 581 00:41:43,030 --> 00:41:45,190 person a HyFlex training, because we have to show you the 582 00:41:45,190 --> 00:41:47,560 actual equipment. And could we have the next slide, please? And 583 00:41:47,560 --> 00:41:49,270 I'll pick up the pace for the next group here. 584 00:41:50,680 --> 00:41:55,570 So we have some some Canvas training. Student Services, 585 00:41:55,570 --> 00:41:58,390 that'll be cool. That'll be talking about our Raider 586 00:41:58,390 --> 00:42:02,620 Central, our Student Health Center, and our EOPS program. So 587 00:42:02,800 --> 00:42:05,980 this is important, again, for faculty and staff to all be 588 00:42:05,980 --> 00:42:08,590 involved in this. I say it every time we talk about student 589 00:42:08,590 --> 00:42:11,560 services, but it's worth reminding students who make use 590 00:42:11,560 --> 00:42:15,790 of our student services, vast majority of them, we ask them, 591 00:42:16,030 --> 00:42:18,610 you know, "What brought you here? How did you know to come 592 00:42:18,610 --> 00:42:21,190 here?" And almost always, they say, because my faculty member 593 00:42:21,190 --> 00:42:23,110 told me to come here. So it's really important, I think, for 594 00:42:23,110 --> 00:42:26,890 everyone to be involved in the student services. We will have a 595 00:42:26,890 --> 00:42:29,650 session on Microsoft Teams, as we were talking about earlier, 596 00:42:30,010 --> 00:42:35,230 another HyFlex opportunity. Some creativity and teaching, 597 00:42:35,230 --> 00:42:39,250 continuing that series from Beth Megill and Claire Sadnik. And 598 00:42:39,250 --> 00:42:42,880 then some writing opportunities at MC Write and reimagining our 599 00:42:42,880 --> 00:42:46,600 campus, thinking about articulating ourselves and our 600 00:42:46,600 --> 00:42:49,210 visions through writing, and then how do we enact that in 601 00:42:49,210 --> 00:42:51,790 real life. So those are our sessions. Those are our 602 00:42:51,790 --> 00:42:57,880 opportunities for PD coming up. And again, more detailed 603 00:42:57,880 --> 00:43:01,270 information coming out very soon, including Zoom links and 604 00:43:01,270 --> 00:43:02,920 blurbs in the sessions. Thank you 605 00:43:02,920 --> 00:43:03,790 all for 606 00:43:07,030 --> 00:43:11,890 thank you all for participating on this one or for tuning in, 607 00:43:12,160 --> 00:43:14,050 and I look forward to seeing you all soon. 608 00:43:15,620 --> 00:43:19,670 Mary: Thank you, Brian, that looks really exciting. Lots 609 00:43:19,670 --> 00:43:23,540 of great opportunities. Julius there was one big question 610 00:43:27,380 --> 00:43:30,650 that...One big question that I do see would probably need just 611 00:43:30,650 --> 00:43:34,640 asking if there'll be a staff meeting to talk about exemptions 612 00:43:34,640 --> 00:43:38,360 and that or if this needs to be, at this point, if people are 613 00:43:38,360 --> 00:43:41,480 still waiting to hear about any exemptions, they need to reach 614 00:43:41,480 --> 00:43:42,350 out to HR. 615 00:43:42,800 --> 00:43:44,150 Julius: They need to reach out to HR. 616 00:43:45,740 --> 00:43:46,230 Mary: Thank you, 617 00:43:46,230 --> 00:43:46,490 just wanting to verify that. And we will send a prepared the Mary: Thank you, 618 00:43:46,490 --> 00:43:51,811 just wanting to verify that. And we will send a prepared the 619 00:43:51,904 --> 00:43:57,672 document I mentioned but we can also put a reference in to the 620 00:43:57,765 --> 00:44:02,137 board policy, which is the reason for doing the 621 00:44:02,230 --> 00:44:07,997 documentation behind the vaccine mandate. So we will send that 622 00:44:08,090 --> 00:44:13,765 out to all faculty. So you will have that resource available. 623 00:44:13,858 --> 00:44:19,440 Thank you. Okay. Okay, I think we're on the next slide then? 624 00:44:27,760 --> 00:44:32,590 Jennifer: We are at the celebratory part of our campus 625 00:44:32,590 --> 00:44:36,550 update today to celebrate first of all, the classified 626 00:44:36,550 --> 00:44:40,660 professional retirements. Folks who've retired in the last few 627 00:44:40,660 --> 00:44:44,170 short months. So we've got a few of them. We have several of them 628 00:44:44,170 --> 00:44:51,280 actually. Next slide, please? So first up, Conni Grizzard, who 629 00:44:52,060 --> 00:44:54,520 recently will I don't know I'm trying to remember when she 630 00:44:54,520 --> 00:44:58,240 retired, probably about August-September. She was a 631 00:44:58,240 --> 00:45:02,860 senior administrative assistant 22 years of service. She worked 632 00:45:02,860 --> 00:45:07,600 most recently in Mary Rees' office. I know she's worked in a 633 00:45:07,600 --> 00:45:11,170 number of offices over the years. So congratulations to 634 00:45:11,170 --> 00:45:16,930 Conni. She was not able to join us today. But again, we wish her 635 00:45:17,080 --> 00:45:21,100 very well in many, many happy returns for her retired years. 636 00:45:21,880 --> 00:45:27,130 Next up is Mickey Howell from the theatre department, who was 637 00:45:27,160 --> 00:45:32,710 also a part time instructor. He was with us, oh my gosh, 39 638 00:45:32,740 --> 00:45:38,590 years at Moorpark College. So congratulations to Mickey and 639 00:45:38,590 --> 00:45:43,000 many happy returns to him as well, in his golden years or in 640 00:45:43,000 --> 00:45:48,850 retired life. Wonderful. Next up is Peggy Kinney from the 641 00:45:48,880 --> 00:45:55,000 Admissions and Records office. 22 years of service. Wow, I 642 00:45:55,000 --> 00:45:57,880 haven't added all these up, but it's a lot of years just between 643 00:45:58,090 --> 00:46:02,530 four people. So congratulations to Kinney, or I'm sorry to Peggy 644 00:46:02,530 --> 00:46:07,510 Kinney on her retirement. And last but not least we have Kerry 645 00:46:07,540 --> 00:46:13,480 Mehle from the graphics department. And we had Kerry, of 646 00:46:13,480 --> 00:46:18,910 course, with us for 30 years. He left us I think September. He 647 00:46:18,910 --> 00:46:23,290 retired the beginning of September. So congratulations to 648 00:46:23,290 --> 00:46:29,260 Kerry. Many happy returns to him as well. It's just between the 649 00:46:29,260 --> 00:46:35,020 two of I haven't added it up but it's 44 plus 30 is 70 plus 39 is 650 00:46:35,020 --> 00:46:41,620 like 109 years. Is that right? 109 between all four Wow. Next 651 00:46:41,620 --> 00:46:46,690 slide, please? And then not last but not least, we have Tommy 652 00:46:46,780 --> 00:46:51,010 Arellano, our Athletics Equipment Manager and Tommy is 653 00:46:51,010 --> 00:46:55,330 with us today. So we are super happy to be able to celebrate 654 00:46:55,330 --> 00:47:01,960 with Tommy, and thank him and wish him well for 39. Wow. 39 655 00:47:01,990 --> 00:47:05,950 years of service. I'm going to hand the mic over to Matt 656 00:47:05,950 --> 00:47:10,120 Crater, our Athletics Director, who is here to help us celebrate 657 00:47:10,120 --> 00:47:11,350 Tommy's retirement. 658 00:47:12,820 --> 00:47:16,270 Matt Crater: Thank you, Jennifer. It's an honor to 659 00:47:16,270 --> 00:47:20,560 introduce Tommy. I've been here for almost a year now. And to 660 00:47:20,560 --> 00:47:22,960 think that he's been here for almost 40 years and all the 661 00:47:22,990 --> 00:47:26,350 students that he's impacted is truly an honor. So I'm gonna 662 00:47:26,350 --> 00:47:30,190 read a short little thing that we have on Tommy. Words do not 663 00:47:30,190 --> 00:47:34,000 do him justice, but I hope that we'll get to see him over the 664 00:47:34,000 --> 00:47:37,690 next few years as he comes back to some of our games. So Tommy 665 00:47:37,900 --> 00:47:40,420 has served the Moorpark College Athletics Equipment Manager for 666 00:47:40,420 --> 00:47:43,810 nearly 40 years and has become an iconic member of the Moorpark 667 00:47:43,810 --> 00:47:48,310 College Athletics community began at the age of 18. Tommy 668 00:47:48,310 --> 00:47:51,310 has served every student athlete at Moorpark College since the 669 00:47:51,310 --> 00:47:57,190 March of 1982. It's tallying well over 10,000 student 670 00:47:57,190 --> 00:48:00,340 athletes in his career. Tommy has set the standard for what it 671 00:48:00,340 --> 00:48:03,700 means to be a member of Moorpark College Athletics with his quick 672 00:48:03,700 --> 00:48:06,970 wit, relentless work ethic and serving heart. While his title 673 00:48:06,970 --> 00:48:10,330 is equipment manager, he is a true jack of all trades. He has 674 00:48:10,360 --> 00:48:13,270 dedicated countless hours to helping our coaches, faculty, 675 00:48:13,270 --> 00:48:15,850 staff, and especially, student athletes achieve their goals. 676 00:48:16,150 --> 00:48:18,610 Tommy's office was the unofficial hangout of student 677 00:48:18,610 --> 00:48:21,730 athletes. And the reason countless alumni would return to 678 00:48:21,730 --> 00:48:24,850 the college to say hello. While there will be no replacing 679 00:48:24,850 --> 00:48:28,150 Tommy, we are excited for him in his next adventure. And the 680 00:48:28,150 --> 00:48:30,550 impact of our students will serve as the foundation of our 681 00:48:30,550 --> 00:48:34,300 athletic department for years to come. So with that, Tommy, do 682 00:48:34,300 --> 00:48:35,230 you have a few words? 683 00:48:40,820 --> 00:48:49,370 Tommy Arellano: Hello, everyone, how's it going? The last couple 684 00:48:49,370 --> 00:48:53,660 months have been and I try to put in perspective what I've 685 00:48:53,660 --> 00:49:02,750 done for Moorpark College. And it's kind of hard to really say 686 00:49:02,750 --> 00:49:07,130 much what I've done and because I've, I'm kind of humbled by all 687 00:49:07,130 --> 00:49:10,790 this attention that I'm getting. I mean, I didn't set out to do 688 00:49:10,790 --> 00:49:18,110 this to become what I am right now. How I ended up but it's 689 00:49:18,110 --> 00:49:25,250 just, you know, it was time, it was time for me to go. And I 690 00:49:25,250 --> 00:49:27,980 just, you know, it just it's hard right now for me to even 691 00:49:28,460 --> 00:49:31,490 put into words what I need to say that. But I just want to 692 00:49:31,490 --> 00:49:35,990 thank Matt Calfin. He's been pretty supportive for the last 693 00:49:35,990 --> 00:49:40,700 couple of months through this process, and then, of course, 694 00:49:41,480 --> 00:49:52,760 just want to thank Matt, Leanne, Robert, Cherisse and Mariel. I 695 00:49:52,760 --> 00:49:56,540 kind of didn't want a big celebration to go out. I wanted 696 00:49:56,960 --> 00:49:59,720 to slide out really easily and didn't want to a big 697 00:49:59,720 --> 00:50:08,810 celebration. And I know they were that crew, you know, it 698 00:50:08,810 --> 00:50:16,040 was, I don't want that burden on them to put a party for me. So I 699 00:50:16,040 --> 00:50:21,260 just wanted to, you know, slide out quickly. I did ask, I have 700 00:50:21,260 --> 00:50:25,820 been asked, am I going to miss it? I'm not going to miss the 701 00:50:25,820 --> 00:50:28,850 job itself. I am going to miss the relationships that I've 702 00:50:28,850 --> 00:50:34,100 built over the years. And I'm going to miss the knocking on 703 00:50:34,100 --> 00:50:39,590 the window training room window door, signify my arrival and my 704 00:50:40,280 --> 00:50:43,520 departure from work. I'm going to miss what Robert gets for 705 00:50:43,520 --> 00:50:48,110 lunch. And I'm going to miss Leanne's voice down the hall 706 00:50:48,320 --> 00:50:54,320 when she's barking at Matt. It's kind of funny to hear with the 707 00:50:54,320 --> 00:50:59,090 new renovation, you can kind of hear everything. So and couple 708 00:50:59,090 --> 00:51:02,330 of times, right? I need to go over there and help Matt out. 709 00:51:05,120 --> 00:51:08,540 The question I get is, what am I going to do? Well, first thing 710 00:51:08,540 --> 00:51:11,240 I'm going to do, I'm not going to drive out to Moorpark every 711 00:51:11,240 --> 00:51:17,030 day, because I still live in Carpinteria. But what I am going 712 00:51:17,030 --> 00:51:19,820 to do is I'm just going to sit back and relax, take it all in 713 00:51:19,880 --> 00:51:23,510 and then over the next few months decide what I'm going to 714 00:51:23,510 --> 00:51:28,760 do. So just once again, I just want to thank everybody for all 715 00:51:28,760 --> 00:51:36,770 the congratulatory remarks and the support over the last couple 716 00:51:36,770 --> 00:51:40,130 months. And but thank you again. 717 00:51:46,360 --> 00:51:48,100 Mary: Thank you Tommy, we're really gonna miss you. 718 00:51:48,100 --> 00:51:52,240 We'll miss all the people that are recently retired from the 719 00:51:52,240 --> 00:51:55,510 semester. We do have one additional person on the next 720 00:51:55,510 --> 00:52:01,930 slide that we want to acknowledge. Pam Kennedy Luna is 721 00:52:01,930 --> 00:52:06,190 going to be retiring this semester as well. After 21 years 722 00:52:06,190 --> 00:52:10,300 here at Moorpark College. I think you all know the impact 723 00:52:10,300 --> 00:52:16,540 our counselors have, and Pam does a stellar job, and her 724 00:52:16,540 --> 00:52:21,100 students always love her. The faculty, the staff, all very 725 00:52:21,100 --> 00:52:24,100 much appreciate. Anytime you have her on one of your 726 00:52:24,100 --> 00:52:29,050 committees, you know, you're in good shape on that. So we will 727 00:52:29,050 --> 00:52:33,280 very much miss Pam and we wish her well. And know she's going 728 00:52:33,280 --> 00:52:38,710 to miss us, but she's going to have a great time in her 729 00:52:38,710 --> 00:52:42,760 retirement in that. So I did want to put one additional 730 00:52:42,790 --> 00:52:46,870 announcement on the retirement. The position for the Vice 731 00:52:46,870 --> 00:52:50,710 President of Academic Affairs position is open and I am not 732 00:52:50,710 --> 00:52:53,680 going to be applying for that position. I am going to be 733 00:52:53,680 --> 00:52:58,720 retiring the end of June. So I will be joining this list at the 734 00:52:58,720 --> 00:52:59,110 end of 735 00:52:59,400 --> 00:53:00,330 spring semester. 736 00:53:01,560 --> 00:53:06,360 So Julius, I think we have you next. 737 00:53:07,890 --> 00:53:11,030 Julius: Thank you, Mary. And of course, Mary throws this 738 00:53:11,096 --> 00:53:14,825 bombshell out at the very end, right before I have to say 739 00:53:14,891 --> 00:53:18,686 something like, "Well, what the?" But anyway, we have Mary 740 00:53:18,751 --> 00:53:22,611 for the rest of the spring semester, and we certainly we'll 741 00:53:22,677 --> 00:53:26,537 celebrate Mary at that point in time. But until then, she's 742 00:53:26,603 --> 00:53:30,005 still here. And we are so grateful for her continued 743 00:53:30,070 --> 00:53:34,062 service to the college. Really I wanted to use these last few 744 00:53:34,127 --> 00:53:38,053 minutes to just thank you all for your resiliency. I know we 745 00:53:38,118 --> 00:53:41,979 all know it's been a very tough semester. It's been a tough 746 00:53:42,044 --> 00:53:46,036 couple of years. But really, we have been successful when you 747 00:53:46,101 --> 00:53:50,027 think about it. Or you think about it, we have held students 748 00:53:50,092 --> 00:53:53,822 lives together because we've provided them a place to go, 749 00:53:53,887 --> 00:53:57,748 whether virtually or hybrid or HyFlex or on ground. We have 750 00:53:57,813 --> 00:54:01,673 held students lives together even moments where there was a 751 00:54:01,739 --> 00:54:05,992 lot of challenge for us. We kept the campus open so that students 752 00:54:06,057 --> 00:54:09,852 can come and utilize our Wi Fi, our Grounds folks kept the 753 00:54:09,918 --> 00:54:13,974 campus going clean and really the pristine oasis that it is in 754 00:54:14,040 --> 00:54:18,162 our community. The faculty and the staff and the administrators 755 00:54:18,227 --> 00:54:22,022 continuously invest in the success of our students through 756 00:54:22,088 --> 00:54:26,275 going the extra mile every day. And I thank you for that. I know 757 00:54:26,341 --> 00:54:30,594 that this has been a challenging year. The country's divided in a 758 00:54:30,659 --> 00:54:34,192 lot of issues. And for us vaccines is one of them. And 759 00:54:34,258 --> 00:54:38,118 we're on various sides of that argument. My hope is that at 760 00:54:38,184 --> 00:54:42,044 some point we will move beyond being on various sides of an 761 00:54:42,110 --> 00:54:46,232 argument and just come back to being who we are in our Moorpark 762 00:54:46,297 --> 00:54:49,830 College community. And that requires healing. And that 763 00:54:49,896 --> 00:54:53,691 requires an awareness that we need to be respectful of one 764 00:54:53,756 --> 00:54:57,617 another. And my hope is that we'll continue to do that. I'm 765 00:54:57,682 --> 00:55:01,477 very proud of this campus community. This is a place where 766 00:55:01,542 --> 00:55:05,599 I know so much good happens. And I thank each and every one of 767 00:55:05,665 --> 00:55:09,721 you for doing that. There is so much to come ahead, as you see 768 00:55:09,787 --> 00:55:13,254 that we have retirements that have happened, that are 769 00:55:13,320 --> 00:55:17,049 happening. We have positions that we'll be filling in the 770 00:55:17,115 --> 00:55:21,041 spring semester, and the college continues and the community 771 00:55:21,106 --> 00:55:24,901 continues to grow and shape itself. And that is because of 772 00:55:24,967 --> 00:55:28,958 each and every one of us. That we make this community what it 773 00:55:29,023 --> 00:55:33,276 is. So I hope that you will take some rest, some much needed rest 774 00:55:33,342 --> 00:55:37,398 over the following weeks, that you will enjoy time with family 775 00:55:37,464 --> 00:55:41,455 and friends safely, and that you will come back in January to 776 00:55:41,521 --> 00:55:45,577 serve and support and motivate and challenge and inspire us as 777 00:55:45,643 --> 00:55:49,568 we do this work moving forward. Have a happy holiday season. 778 00:55:49,634 --> 00:55:53,691 Wishing you the best of health and well being and thanking you 779 00:55:53,756 --> 00:55:57,616 for all that you continue to do. Have a great rest of 2021. 780 00:55:57,682 --> 00:56:01,542 Looking forward to all the 2022 brings. Take care. Our next 781 00:56:01,608 --> 00:56:05,730 update is on January 10, 2022. It's the first day of school. We 782 00:56:05,795 --> 00:56:09,394 shall be meeting at the same space, which is right here 783 00:56:09,459 --> 00:56:14,040 virtually, and continuing to celebrate the Moorpark College community.